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EU Bildungsprogramm Erasmus+ » Erasmus+ at the ISB - International

Erasmus+ at the ISB for international contacts

Who are we?

The Institute for school-quality and educational research (ISB) is a subordinate branch of the Bavarian Ministry of Education in Munich. With over 200 employees it reflects nearly every aspect of the Bavarian School System.
Amongst others these are:
-        primary education in elementary schools, schools for the sick, inclusion supporting schools
-        secondary education in ‘Mittelschulen’, ‘Realschulen’ and grammar schools (Gymnasium)
-        all types of subjects taught there (MINT, languages, arts, humanities, etc.)
-        media didactics & learning platforms based on Moodle (Medienabteilung)
-        fundamental pedagogical questions like quality management in schools, all-day schooling, educational research
-        transfer of science and didactics between research institutions and schools
-        MINT-support for students and schools
-        education on sustainable development
-        Erasmus+ programs for VET and School Education

What can we offer?

The Erasmus+ Team of the ISB can offer you contact to people, who know about
-        quality management in schools (mainly VET)
-        contacts to schools who want to take part in Erasmus+ programs with German schools
-        media didactics and know-how about learning platforms like ‘moodle’
-        know-how about inclusion and how to turn that into a reality in modern school-life
-        education on sustainable development and MINT-support for schools
-        digital learning competences

What are we looking for?

The ISB is looking for project partners, who can offer one or more of the following things. If you are unsure, contact us directly with a project proposal or ideas what you would like to work on!

-        contact data from your national / regional schools who want to have projects with German schools


-        partners for one or more of the topics mentioned in our profile

-        ideas about quality management in general school education

Who can you talk to?

We are a small team of Erasmus+ facilitators at the ISB who can help you with finding the right partner for your project. Feel free to write us an email or give us a call – we’ll be glad to talk about the future of Erasmus+ in our countries!
We are looking forward to getting in touch with you!

School Education:

Erasmus+ in School Education – specialized in Erasmus+ and eTwinning for schools in Bavaria
Bernd Schwarz            +49 89 2170 2244

Kathrin Vogt                 +49 89 2170 2466



Vocational Education (VET):


Robert Stolzenberg.         +49 89 2170 2220


Andreas Heidenreich.       +49 89 2170 2376